December 19th, 2020, 3 PM to Sunset
Christmas Caravan Details
If you are an organization or individual and want to participate in the caravan, please contact the Guadalupe Police Department at 805-343-2112 or email You can also drop by the Police Department at 4490 10th Street to register. Expect to be in place for the caravan between 1:30 PM and 2:30 PM on Saturday, preparing for a 3 PM start for the routes.
The Caravan will break up into two groups, one for the West Route, the other for the East Route. The routes are shown below (detailed West and East maps).

The staging/assembly areas (starting locations) for the two routes will be at O’Connell Park (West Route) and the North side of Pasadera at Buena Vista and Obispo St. (East Route). The routes, planned and led by the PD and FD, will wind through the neighborhoods on the east and west sides of town, ending Downtown. Most streets in town will see the Caravan, though some smaller streets and cul-de-sacs will be missed. If you think your street may be missed, your best opportunity to see the caravan will probably be downtown at Memorial Park (city-owned parking lot). The event continues to evolve, and the routes will depend on the number of vehicles participating in the caravan.
Watching the Caravan
Residents are encouraged to watch the Caravan from the safety of their yards. Residents may also watch from other areas, including O’Connell Park, as long as they maintain social distancing and other COVID-19 safety protocols. No vehicle in the Caravan will distribute candy or other items, so there is no need to approach the vehicles.
Participating in the Caravan
Vehicles may have two people in the vehicle as long as they are from the same family and no more than two people outside of the vehicle (a pickup bed, for example) as long as they can maintain social distance. All participants are encouraged to wear masks.
Vehicles should have enough gas to continue on the route at 10 miles per hour for about 90 minutes.
Vehicles should be decorated to maintain a safe field of view for the driver.
Vehicles will not distribute candy or other items, nor use confetti of any type for decoration.
Vehicles are encouraged to play appropriate Christmas themed music using internal or external speakers at a respectful volume.
Vehicles are asked to refrain from scraping the pavement – low-riders, that’s looking at you.
Current List of Participants
Fire Department (Lead) with Santa |
Police Department (Lead) |
4 x Touch of Style Car Club |
Pasadera Community with Santa |
3 x Kiwanis Club |
4 x Touch of Style Car Club |
Guadalupe Historical Society |
Contest Prizes and Rules
First Place Votes: $100 in a combination of cash and gift certificates for Guadalupe businesses
Second Place: $50 in gift certificates for Guadalupe businesses
Third Place: $25 gift certificate from El Tapatio Restaurant (914 Guadalupe St.)
Random Voter: Two medium one-topping pizzas from Two Guys Pizza (898B Guadalupe St.)
How to Nominate and Vote
Take a picture of your favorite participant in the Caravan using Facebook or Instagram and add the hashtag #guadchristmas or #visitguad
Go to Guadalupe Business Association on Facebook or Instagram and “Like” the photos posted by others
Begin posting your photos at noon on the 19th of December
Post and “like’ to vote through 5:00 PM on the 23rd of December
Guadalupe Business Association will tally the votes for the Caravan favorite and announce a winner on the 24th of December
One lucky voter in the Caravan contest will receive a Voter prize
We’ll contact the winners as soon as possible so they can enjoy their prizes and support Guadalupe businesses
Questions and Concerns
Guadalupe Business Association is new to running a contest on Facebook and Instagram, so if you encounter any problems, please use the “Contact Us” option below or send us an e-mail to and we’ll figure out what we can do better.
House Lights
First Place Votes: $100 in a combination of cash and gift certificates for Guadalupe businesses
Second Place: $50 in gift certificates for Guadalupe businesses
Third Place: $25 gift certificate from El Tapatio Restaurant
Random Voter: Three barbacoa taco plates (3 tacos per plate) from Loncheria Estilo D.F. (946A Guadalupe St.)
How to Nominate and Vote
Take a picture of your favorite house using Facebook or Instagram and add the hashtag #guadchristmas or #visitguad
Go to Guadalupe Business Association on Facebook or Instagram and “Like” the photos posted by others
***No businesses will be eligible for nomination, only homes.
Begin posting your photos at noon on the 19th of December
Post and “like’ to vote through 5:00 PM on the 23rd of December
Guadalupe Business Association will tally the votes for the House Lights favorite and announce a winner on the 24th of December
One lucky voter in the House Lights contest will receive a Voter prize We’ll contact the winners as soon as possible so they can enjoy their prizes and support Guadalupe businesses