The Guadalupe Business Association

This site is maintained by the Guadalupe Business Association - a 501(c)6 organization dedicated to the promotion, expansion and development of local businesses. Becoming a member is easy. Membership in the Guadalupe Business Association is priced by tier and comes in two flavors. The Basic plan offers a wide variety of benefits that are meant to help and support businesses in the community with tools and resources. The Prime plan offers all of the benefits of the Basic plan with some additional extras. Contact us for more information!

Discover Guadalupe

Guadalupe is located in Santa Barbara County, on the Central California coast near the famous Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes. As of the census of 2010, there were 7,080 people residing in the city. The city was established in 1840 and incorporated on August 3, 1946. California’s Pacific Coast Highway, California Highway 1, runs right through the downtown of Guadalupe. Guadalupe is an attractive home for families, providing safe and affordable neighborhoods, excellent restaurants, good schools, and a friendly environment.

a cinematic destination

Guadalupe has been on Hollywood's map since 1923 when legendary director Cecil B. DeMille filmed the cinematic epic The Ten Commandments. Since then, over 20 movies have been filmed in and around the historic town of Guadalupe and it's incredible sand dune landscape. If you're looking for a location for your next project, come take a look at Guadalupe and see how this charming little gem on California's central coast can add that missing "something" to your motion picture or documentary production.


According to the Small Business Administration:

For every $100 spent at small businesses, $48 is put back into the local economy.

But if that same $100 is spent at big box store or national retailer, only $14 makes it back to our local economy.

Business Spotlight

Periodically, the Guadalupe Business Association will feature one of our members in our business spotlight.  Take a moment and learn about some of our amazing members!

Sonam Narayan, Realtor

I am a local Guadalupe Realtor.  I enjoy helping buyers & sellers within our city.  My goal is to be completely transparent & ensure each of my clients get the best service.  I aim to educate & give all the facts so my clients can make the best informed decisions.  I strive to be the agent that puts themselves in YOUR shoes!  I want to know your story, earn your trust and go above and beyond for your housing needs.  I look forward to helping make houses into HOMES!


“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”

-Jane Goodall

We are a family-owned Mexican restaurant.  It all started in 1988 with my father Manuel Diaz deciding on leaving farm working in the past and starting his adventure as a business owner.  In 2010 my father asked if I was ready to take over and I now run the business and love every second of it.  My wife and I really enjoy feeding the community!

We really appreciate everyone and everything all of our customers do for us.  Every day is a great day and we are glad to be a part of this community!

El Tapatio is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am to 4pm and can be found on Instagram at el_tapatio88You can also reach them at 805.343.2850.

Rural Community Development Corporation of California (RCDCC) was formed in 2017 to help fill the gap in capacity that rural communities, especially those considered disadvantaged, are beleaguered by. We at RCDCC believe with training, direction (planning) and support California’s rural communities can be more self-reliant, and create sustainable, livable communities that gain not lose populations.


To enhance and develop the capacity of rural citizen, community organizations, local business, and government entities through community development plans and actions to support rural communities in becoming resilient, strong communities that will grow from disadvantaged to livable, sustainable communities. 

Destination: Guadalupe

SBA issued an Administrative Disaster Declaration on Jan. 10 for damages to businesses and homes resulting from the Storm and Flooding that occurred Dec. 21-23, 2023.  It is important that homeowners, renters or business owners in Santa Barbara County apply for assistance to initiate an SBA application as a result of physical damage by the Physical Damage deadline of March 11, 2024.  The Economic Injury Deadline is Oct. 10, 2024.


I am hoping your organization can share this information (both in Spanish and English) on your website as well as via any email or social media channels (see link below) so any homeowners, renters or business owners who suffered physical damage or economic impacts as a result of the storms are aware of recovery resources available from the Small Business Administration.

In addition, a Disaster Loan Outreach Center is now open at the South Oxnard Branch Library in Oxnard and the hours recently EXPANDED. SBA encourages all survivors who suffered damage or loss from this recent storm to visit the center below and apply in person.  More details on hours and location below. We have Spanish speaking staff to help.







Disaster Loan Outreach Center

South Oxnard Branch Library

4300 Saviers Road
Oxnard, CA 93033

Mondays – Thursdays
9:00 am – 7:00 pm PT

Fridays: Closed


9:00 am – 3:00 pm PT


Please find additional information (what is attached-plus more) for posting on your website and distributing via social media at the link found here. (Please put in the State – California and  County — Ventura to reach the electronic documents)  

 Below is some social media that you can feel free to share with your community:

(20) SBA Pacific on X: “Low-interest federal disaster loans are available to CA businesses & residents affected by the Dec Storm and Flooding that occurred Dec. 21 – 23. SBA assistance is available in Kern, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties.” / X (

Background information (and attached to share with your community)

  • On Jan. 10, 2024,  Ventura County was named as a primary county.
  • As of Jan. 10, 2024, Kern, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara counties are considered contiguous counties. These counties are also eligible for both physical damage and economic injury benefits.

Any homeowners, renters or business owners in Ventura County can apply for assistance as a result of physical damage from the Storm and Flooding that occurred Dec. 21-23, 2023. 

  • It is very important for applicants to initiate an SBA loan application to ensure recovery options for physical damage low interest loans by March 11, 2024.
  • For Individuals and Families this includes up to a $500,000 loan to repair or replace real estate damage for homeowners, and for both homeowners and renters up to a $100,000 loan to replace personal property.
  • For businesses, which includes non-profit organizations and places of worship. property damage up to a $2 Million loan to repair or replace real estate, machinery and equipment, inventory and other assets that were damaged or destroyed.
  • Interest rates for physical damage loans are as low as 2.688 percent for homeowners, 4 percent for businesses and 3.250 percent for non-profits.
  • It is very important for applicants to initiate an SBA loan application to ensure recovery options by the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Deadline of Oct. 10, 2024.
  • Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) – Working capital loans up to $2 million to help small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture, and most private, non-profit organizations of all sizes meet their ordinary and necessary financial obligations that cannot be met as a direct result of the disaster. These loans are intended to assist through the disaster recovery period. Loan rates are as low as 4 percent for businesses and small agricultural cooperatives and 3.250 percent for private non-profit organizations and are typically 30-year loans.  Shorter terms are available.  

To begin the application process, survivors can do one of the following:

For people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services.

  • Completed applications should be mailed to U.S. Small Business Administration, Processing and Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.

There is no cost or obligation to apply, and eligibility is based on a case-by-case review for each applicant.

There is no interest for the first year and no repayment requirements for the first 12 months.

SBA disaster loans have no closing costs and no prepayment penalties and terms up to 30 years.

La SBA emitió una Declaración Administrativa de Desastre el 10 de enero por los daños causados a negocios y hogares por la tormentas e inundaciones que ocurrieron del 21 al 23 de diciembre de 2023.  Es importante que los propietarios de viviendas, inquilinos o dueños de negocios en el Condado de Santa Bárbara soliciten asistencia para iniciar una solicitud de la SBA como resultado de daños físicos antes de la fecha límite de Daños Físicos del 11 de marzo de 2024.  La fecha límite para solicitar asistencia para Daños Económicos (EIDL, por sus siglas en inglés) es el 10 de octubre de 2024.

Espero que su organización pueda compartir esta información (tanto en español como en inglés) en su sitio web, así como a través de cualquier correo electrónico o canales de medios sociales para que los propietarios de viviendas, inquilinos o dueños de negocios que sufrieron daños físicos o daños económicos como resultado de las tormentas sean conscientes de los recursos de recuperación disponibles de la SBA.

Además, un Centro de Promoción y Asistencia para Préstamos de Desastres (DLOC, por sus siglas en inglés) está ahora abierto en la Biblioteca South Oxnard Branch en Oxnard. SBA anima a todos los sobrevivientes que sufrieron daños o pérdidas a raíz de esta reciente tormenta, visitar el centro y aplicar en persona.  Más detalles sobre el horario y la ubicación a continuación. Tendremos personal de habla hispana para ayudar.





Centro de Promoción y Asistencia para Préstamos de Desastres


South Oxnard Branch Library

4300 Saviers Road
Oxnard, CA 93033

Abrió el sábado, 13 de enero a las 9am
Lunes a Jueves

9:00 am – 7:00 pm PT


Viernes: Cerrado



9:00 am – 3:00 pm PT



Por favor, encuentre información adicional (además de la información adjunta) para publicar en su sitio web y distribuir a través de los medios sociales en el enlace que se encuentra aquí. (Por favor, introduzca el Estado – California y el Condado: Ventura, para llegar a los documentos electrónicos)  

Información de fondo (y adjunta para compartir con su comunidad)

  • El 10 de enero de 2024, el condado de Ventura fue nombrado condado primario.
  • A partir del 10 de enero de 2024, los condados de Kern, Los Ángeles y Santa Bárbara se consideran condados contiguos. Estos condados también pueden optar a las prestaciones tanto por daños físicos como por perjuicios económicos.

Todos los propietarios de viviendas, inquilinos o dueños de negocios en el condado de Ventura pueden solicitar asistencia como resultado de los daños físicos causados por la tormenta y las inundaciones que ocurrieron del 21 al 23 de diciembre de 2023. 

  • Es muy importante que los solicitantes inicien una solicitud de préstamo de la SBA para asegurar opciones de recuperación para préstamos de bajo interés por daños físicos antes del 11 de marzo de 2024.
  • Para individuos y familias esto incluye hasta un préstamo de $500,000 para reparar o reemplazar daños a bienes inmuebles para propietarios, y tanto para propietarios como para inquilinos hasta un préstamo de $100,000 para reemplazar bienes personales.
  • Para los negocios, que incluye organizaciones sin fines de lucro y lugares de culto. Por daños a la propiedad los afectados pueden solicitar hasta 2 millones de dólares para reparar o reemplazar bienes inmuebles, maquinaria y equipo, inventario y otros activos que fueron dañados o destruidos.
  • Los tipos de interés para los préstamos por daños físicos son tan bajos como el 2,688% para los propietarios de viviendas, el 4% para las empresas y el 3,250% para las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro.
  • Es muy importante que los solicitantes inicien una solicitud de préstamo de la SBA para garantizar las opciones de recuperación antes de la fecha límite del 10 de octubre de 2024 para solicitar los Préstamos por Daños Económicos.
  • Préstamos por Daños Económicos (EIDL) – Préstamos de capital circulante de hasta 2 millones de dólares para ayudar a las pequeñas empresas, las pequeñas cooperativas agrícolas, las pequeñas empresas dedicadas a la acuicultura y la mayoría de las organizaciones privadas sin ánimo de lucro de todos los tamaños a hacer frente a sus obligaciones financieras ordinarias y necesarias que no puedan cumplirse como consecuencia directa de la catástrofe. Estos préstamos están destinados a ayudar durante el periodo de recuperación de la catástrofe. Los tipos de interés de los préstamos son tan bajos como el 4% para los negocios y las pequeñas cooperativas agrícolas y el 3,250% para las organizaciones privadas sin fines de lucro, y suelen ser préstamos a 30 años.  También existen plazos más cortos.

Para iniciar el proceso de solicitud, los supervivientes pueden hacer una de las siguientes cosas:

  • Para obtener más información sobre los préstamos para catástrofes de la SBA, visite, llame al Centro de Atención al Cliente al 800-659-2955 o envíe un correo electrónico a Puede llenar su solicitud en línea a través del sitio web seguro de la SBA en

Las personas sordas, con problemas de audición o con discapacidades del habla deben marcar el 7-1-1 para acceder a los servicios de retransmisión de telecomunicaciones.


  • Las solicitudes cumplimentadas deben enviarse por correo a U.S. Small Business Administration, Processing and Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.

No hay ningún coste ni obligación de solicitarlo, y la elegibilidad se basa en una revisión caso por caso de cada solicitante.

 No hay intereses durante el primer año ni requisitos de reembolso durante los 12 primeros meses.

Los préstamos para catástrofes de la SBA no tienen costes de cierre ni penalizaciones por pago anticipado y los plazos pueden llegar a 30 años.

 Póngase en contacto conmigo a través del teléfono móvil si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita más información.

The (re)ascension of a Small American Town

Founded in the late 1800s, Guadalupe was once a boom town.  Over the following century, like many small towns, social, economic and infrastructure changes heavily impacted the city and other, larger cities grew around it.  Yet Guadalupe’s story is far from over.  With a new housing development and influx of new ideas, Guadalupe is poised to reassert itself as a destination location for shopping, arts, and tourism – the Gateway to the Dunes!

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