Greetings Guadalupe to Beach Multi-use Trail Public Advisory Team (PAT) and Interested Stakeholders:
Happy 2021! The Coastal Conservancy has released the Draft Guadalupe to Beach Multi-use Trail Feasibility Study for public comment.
Thank you for providing comments on the initial draft released in December 2020. Comments received have been addressed in this revised draft.
Please see the attached informational flyers in English and Spanish which include details on the following:
- Conservancy staff presentation to Guadalupe City Council on the Draft Study: January 26, 2021 at 6:00 pm. in person meeting at Guadalupe City Call.The item will be heard at the beginning of the meeting and public comment on the Draft Trail Study is welcome. See City Council agenda attached.
The public may attend the City Council meeting, providing all attendees abide by Governor’s Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-33-20 in order to control the spread of Covid-19. The meeting WILL NOT take place via video conference, but it will be broadcast live on Charter Spectrum Cable Channel 20.
- Link to Los Amigos de Guadalupe webpage where you can find the Draft Trail Feasibility Study, Guadalupe City Council Staff report for the Trails Study Informational Presentation, trail alignment maps and criteria.
- Instructions for submitting public comment. The public comment period ends Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 6:00 PM.
Public comments and questions on the Draft Study are welcome. Written comments may be submitted via email to: Verbal comments can be made by phone to: (805) 845-8853.
Final Study will be released in February 2021.
Please share this information with to your networks.
Thanks for your participation and thoughtful input to date!